The concept of “Early Childhood Development” and the protection of children’s rights, a perspective.

Footnotes:1. 2. 3. Paragraph 6 item (o) of the Disaster Management Act: Social development directives: Amendment Government Gazette NO. R. 517 9 May 2020. 4.Slater C “Covid-19: Mandela Foundation calls for support of early childhood development operators” 2020. 5. Bongoza N “Education for Sustainable Futures: an appropriate approach for early childhood development from birth to five years” 2018 37.6. Nelson Mandela Foundation “Media Statement: An urgent call to support the Early Childhood Development (ECD) sector” 2020. 7 Nelson Mandela Foundation “Media Statement: An urgent call to support the Early Childhood Development (ECD) sector” 2020. 8. Slater C “Covid-19: Mandela Foundation calls for support of early childhood development operators” 2020. 9. Motsai M “We must do more for the education of the very young during the Covid-19 crisis” 2020. 10. Motsai M “We must do more for the education of the very young during the Covid-19 crisis” 2020. 11. Motsai M “We must do more for the education of the very young during the Covid-19 crisis” 2020. 12. Motsai M “We must do more for the education of the very young during the Covid-19 crisis” 2020.13. Shoba S “Covid-19: Children at risk as early childhood development centres close” 2020. 14. Shoba S “Covid-19: Children at risk as early childhood development centres close” 2020. 15. Shoba S “Covid-19: Children at risk as early childhood development centres close” 2020. 16. Shoba S “Covid-19: Children at risk as early childhood development centres close” 2020.
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