Article, Electronic Signatures and Covid- 19, a perspective.
“South African Common Law has in the past made allowances for a variety of different formats to be recognised as ‘signatures’, including X’s, thumbprints and other markings that explicitly demonstrate intent and consent. Common Law implies that a document must have the name or mark of the person signing, the person signing must have applied it themselves, and the person signing must have intended to sign the document. This paves the way for electronic signatures to be recognised as legally binding and enforceable.” 8
The court held that “as so long as the data in an email is intended by the user to serve as a signature and is logically connected with other data in the email the requirement for an electronic signature is satisfied”.18
1.Writer S “Coronavirus: Digital Signatures are Legal and Valid in South Africa “2020 2. Blom K, Collett C and Ismail F “Electronic signatures in lockdown times” 2020 3. Simeonides A “Coronavirus lockdown shows how South Africa’s laws around E-Signatures on last wills and testaments are out-of-date” 2020 4. Writer S “Coronavirus: Digital Signatures are Legal and Valid in South Africa “2020 5. Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002. 6. Section 1 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002. 7. HR PULSE “Understanding the legal side of electronic signatures in South Africa” 2015 8. HR PULSE “Understanding the legal side of electronic signatures in South Africa” 2015 9. HR PULSE “Understanding the legal side of electronic signatures in South Africa” 2015 10. HR PULSE “Understanding the legal side of electronic signatures in South Africa” 2015 11. HR PULSE “Understanding the legal side of electronic signatures in South Africa” 2015 12. Section 11 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002. 13. Section 12 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002. 14. Boda R and Botes L “South Africa: Coronavirus electronic signatures and electronic meetings” 2020 15. Section 13 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002. 16. Section 13(3) of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of 2002. 17. Spring Forest Trading 599 CC v Wilberry (Pty) Ltd t/a Ecowash and Another (725/13) [2014] ZASCA 178; 2015 (2) SA 118 (SCA) (21 November 2014). 18. Spring Forest Trading 599 CC v Wilberry (Pty) Ltd t/a Ecowash and Another (725/13) [2014] ZASCA 178; 2015 (2) SA 118 (SCA) (21 November 2014). 19. Boda R and Botes L “South Africa: Coronavirus electronic signatures and electronic meetings” 202021. Section 37 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act of Grealy P and Mngomezulu N “COVID-19: Electronic signatures in lockdown times” 2020 22. Blom K, Collett C and Ismail F “Electronic signatures in lockdown times” 2020 23. Boda R and Botes L “South Africa: Coronavirus electronic signatures and electronic meetings” 2020 24. Simeonides A “Covid-19 lockdown shows that SA’s laws around eSignatures on last wills and testaments are outdated” 2020 26. Blom K, Collett C and Ismail F “Electronic signatures in lockdown times” 2020
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